ONE’s Component Asset Register is at the core of our integrity management functions.
This enables any integrity management requirement to be linked back to a single component or component grouping. Components are organised in a simple, logical and flexible database architecture; to cater for any requirement on offshore, onshore or subsea assets.
Each component can hold an infinite number of data attributes, for example:
- Operating criteria
- Material Specifications
- Fluid Type
- Performance Standard
- Wall Thickness, design data & dimensions
- CMMS tag
- Operating Status
- P&ID and ISO drawings, manuals and images
- and as many as needed of whatever type.
ONE stores every component in an easy to use application, from the entire Asset level right down to the smallest feature. It is designed to accommodate platforms, structures, subsea fields and onshore infrastructure; with full parent/child tree organisational structures. Related data can be stored, updated and tracked for any purpose.
Components can be assigned GPS information, so you can visualise on maps, point cloud scans or photogrammetry applications (if enabled) where they are and to display relevant information.
The Component Asset Register is the backbone for the other ONE modules, including Defects and Risk Based Assessment.